Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Desecration’s that cause desolation.

Today in the news I heard that a sixty nine year old woman was attacked by a mob of gay marriage supporter’s !!! You see what we have become as a society? Our morals do not exist anymore, we do these things in the name of political correctness instead of doing what’s right. ‘We the people’ of the United State’s of America have turned our country into a Sodom and Gomorrah with our apathy. I want you to read the following and reflect on our country for a moment and you shall see a truth that will show what the liberal agenda of Obama will lead our country into.


In Revelation’s chapter’s 17, 18, 19, John the Revelator speaks of the great city of Babylon as being a great city full of sin that will fall in the space of about an hour. It will become desolate beyond description. He also tells of the greatness of this great city, of all the trade and of all the great works that it has done and how all of the world had drank of her wine and became drunk with all of her greatness and fornications. This is how the world will react after the reality of the Obama agenda sets in. After he bankrupts our government he will have to open up our gold reserves to pay for all of the debts that his administration has acquired. After that happens and the price of gold has become worthless we will fall into a financial abyss. The world will all lament the following, America has fallen whatever shall we do? There will no longer be hand outs to third world countries the world economies will all go into the toilet. If you don’t believe me just look at how the world markets have reacted since it was announced that he would become the next President of the United States of America. Our stock markets took a nose dive and when our markets fall so do the worlds. You see this is how God has put it to me when Obama bankrupts our country, we will have no alternative but to surrender our sovereignty to the U.N. and the world will ask him to become the leader of the U.N. And when that happens he will have a stranglehold on the entire world. This is the road we are on if we don’t change direction soon, ( I don’t think we can change and we are going to be destroyed). So at this time I will invite you to read Rev. 17, 18, 19. When you do you will see what I am talking about more clearly. But first I want to recommend that you pray on your own to God for guidance and understanding. Also please pray for me, my wife and that lady that got assaulted by that crowd of demons at that rally for gay marriage because she in particular is in for a huge fight. So until next time, this is gods ranger signing off with this, look up for your redemption is nigh.

With all of my love to my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Your Brother Gods ranger.

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