Monday, February 9, 2009

Calling all cold warriors the Obama administration is telling the Russians that we are defunct.................

and that everything that was achieved during the cold war
was all for naught! !

Warning! Language not appropriate for children!
Let the games begin.
This last bit of info. was relayed to me by my wife via a website she frequents. And as a person that served as an Army Ranger during the cold war, my nuts were frosted by the Obama admin. telling Russia that we are not going put up the missile defense system. Well right now I’m going to put it short for the little piece of shit we had forced on us to call president and all of his of his little buddies’ that we call our enemy . WELL YOU ALL CAN KISS MY BIBLE CLINGING, GUN CARRYING, AVERAGE WHITE ASS!!! I DIDN’T BUST IT ALL OF THAT TIME SO YOU COULD SURRENDER OUR SOUVERNTY TO THE ANTI- CHRIST. ASSHOLE!
When, in the name of God are ‘We The People’ going to make those ass wipes in D.C. realize that they work for us and don’t control us? It seems voting doesn’t work because that has been corrupted. Flooding phone lines doesn’t work because they don’t listen or care anyway. Is history ready to repeat itself? Are we headed for another tea party? That spawn of the devil himself hasn’t sat in the Oval Office for a month and already our country has descended into something we barely recognize. If ‘We The People’ don’t do something to stop the madness going on in Washington ASAP, this country will be no longer and all the blood and guts that have been spilled to uphold our nation, our freedom, will have been for naught.
The Liberal left had the audacity to say the last administration was infringing on our freedoms. HA! At least we were kept safe and had freedom! This megalomaniac wants to roll over while shitting his pants and hand the keys to the nation to the enemy! I say ENOUGH! This is cowardly corruption at the least but it is treason at best. Can you imagine if a conservative did these things? I say that false messiah who wasn’t even born in this country should just stick his tail between his legs and either step aside or be forced to do so. After all he already needed to ‘step away’ from the WH because the going got a little rough. What happens when that 3am phone call finally comes?

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Hello everybody I’m sorry that I have been away so long but I had a tragedy In the family my brother passed away, he was 38 years old. I’m not too sad about it though because I know that he is better off than the rest of us because he and the lord Jesus were very close and he is now safe in Gods hands. Amen.
Anyway we are now on the verge of a national melt down everybody that I have spoken to has told me that they did not vote for this obamination that’s both dem’s and rep’s . Watch out for what you say, think or do you might end up dead or worse. I as an American cannot grasp at the thought of this thing that we are forced to call president but as a servant of God it is perfectly clear. He is nothing but a beast in sheep’s clothing . Get used to the idea of if you don’t say things like be well citizen or you look great to anyone you see whether you think it or not because this thing will be watching you.