Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Two years ago my husband died, but he lived to tell about it. You see he is a near death survivor. But when he came back he was changed. During his time in death he had some unique experiences. One of those experiences left him with the ability to hear the voice of God. Now I know many claim these things but let me add here that not once does my husband speak and say 'God said.............' that fails to come to pass. Thus the reasoning for this blog.

Last night this nation elected a new President. Last night the people of this once great nation turned it's back on God. What does this have to do with my husband? He said not long ago that the times we are now living in are the times of the end, the end of us as a nation, the end of our freedoms and the end of us being a nation blessed by God.

In the following days, as long as the right to free speech stands, you will read here what God has to say to my husband.

A few months ago an Internet friend of mine who I will refer to as 'Cap' told me that posting my husbands words from God made me Arron to my husband being Moses. All I can is I'll do this the best I can while I can.

His words for this are 'Bundle up because the cold days are coming.' After all didn't the Lord say 'Pray that you flight not be during Winter................'


Snowsquaw said...

thanks for doing this Maric and Hubby! God bless you both and us all in these perilous times in which we live!

theoriginaldeb said...

Yes it is death to 'put your faith in the arm of flesh' and that is where we have gone.